About Company
DaeEun Global Solution Co., Ltd. is a company that develops products that will protect environment and
will substitute detergent and reduce and remove any harmful substances that occur from using detergent.

The world’s first product for dishwasher that allows dish washing without detergent called Eco Hi-Ball for Dishwasher,
Eco Hi-Ball for Laundry that washes clothes and product called Cook Stone that allows to make fried food such as rench fries, pork cutlet, fried chicken with
reduced HNE and the amount of cooking oil along with reducing the cooking time in half are all products of DaeEun Global Solutions Co., Ltd.

Currently, DaeEun Global Solution Co., Ltd. has achieved ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certification along with “FDA” from America and “CE” from Europe.
With the certification of eco-friendly products, it is supplying to QVC in America, TF1 in France, EDECA, AMAZON in Germany and Australia.

DaeEun Global Solution Co., Ltd. is a company that seeks for the best customer
satisfaction through better products and supplies of health-aware and eco-friendly products.

- 09Supplied to Amazon in USA
- 01Certificated China Trade Mark Registration "爱利宝"
- 12Certificated Patent Registration "Ceramic composite meterial for VOC reduction"
- 03Certificated Patent Registration "Ceramic balls with detergent and Manufacturing Method"
- 11Certificated China Trade Mark Registration "Eco Hi-Ball"
- 10Certificated Patent Registration "Air Purifier"
- 02Applied Patent USA, EU "Eco Hi-Ball for Dishwasher"
- 02Certificated Patent Registration "Eco Hi-Ball for Dishwasher"
- 01Certificated Patent Registration "Eco Hi-Ball for Cook"
- 12Established “DaeEun Global Solution Co., Ltd”
- 05Supplied to TF1 in France
- 02Supplied to Amazone, Edeca in Germany
- 01Supplied to QVC in USA
- 11"N & Power Co." Manufacture Factory founded
- 11Acquired FDA Certificates
- 06Acquired CE Certificates
- 02Certificated Utility Model Registration
- 02Certificated Design Registration
- 12Certificated Trade Mark Registration "Eco Hi-Ball"
- 12Acquired ISO14001 Certificates
- 07Acquired ISO9001 Certificates
- 07Established "DaeEun Global Solution Co., Ltd"
- 07"DaeEun Global Solution Co." founded